Getting Started with ML

 Types of ML :-

1) Supervised ML :-

Before going for supervised learning, you need to be aware of two terminologies:

Suppose, you have the data of student's age and weight. Now, for new student, just by knowing age, you want to predict his weight. So, in this case

i. Dependent Variable : Age

ii. Independent Variable : Weight

Regression : It is applied on Numeric Data such as temperature, weight etc.

Classification : It is applied on Categorial Data.

There are 2 types of classification:

1.Binary Classification - Yes/No, Spam/Not Spam, etc.

2. Multiclass Classification - Small/Medium/Large, Bad/Average/Good/Excellent etc.

2) Unsupervised ML :-

i. Clustering : If we have some data where there is no dependent/independent variable, then we can use clustering. suppose, we have data for salary and age. There is no relation between salary and age. So, clustering groups the data and keep the data with same characteristics together.

ii. Dimensionality Reduction : Suppose, we have 1000 features, we can't use all of them as some of them might not be important and too many features will require lots of computing power. So, we need to take necessary features only. Let's say we are taking only 100 features out of 1000 features. We can identify the important features using some algo like PCA or LDA.


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